Halloween party ideas 2015

It's not The Cruel people! But.. 

hot yammer: The Cruel people? No!

by: Manaweblife
Peepingnews - The best thing to look forward to during puasa month is the buka puasa food galore ! Take a drive to SS 6/1 and you can literally smell the rich food  aroma all over the streets. This is the hottest buka puasa food  haunt that attracts not just Muslims but everyone! Check out the super duper red flames of the Simpang 3 Char Kuey Teow.  

Hot yammer: The Cruel people? No!

See  eggs and keoy teow tossed high up  in a chaotic rhythm of fire and sounds.  Or the famed Terengganu otak-otak " satar" and his stall operator who came all the way from Kuala Besut on this Ramadhan month. For chicken fans , there's the Ayam Tempayan Kelana , a special fried chicken all cooked in a gigantic  hot clay "oven",  and the healthily open-charcoal grilled Ayam Golek Cyber ! Spoiled for choice?  If that's not enough , just walk around this amazing bazaar of food varieties and surely you will come back next Ramadhan! For now, buka puasa is a feastful time to go the streets of..

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